OBS 3.0.2 Crashing on M2 MacBook Air -> Facebook Live


New Member
When pressing the "Start Streaming" button, OBS 3.0.2 periodically crashes. This is when configured to stream to Facebook Live.

It doesn't crash every time, and if I keep trying (restarting OBS and then pressing the Start Streaming button), it eventually works, and the stream is successful.

Apple M2 Macbook Air
MAC OS Sonoma Version 14.3 (Build 23D56)

Links to Logs
2024-01-25 08-55-50.txt
2024-01-25 08-55-16.txt

Is this something I should post as a GitHub Issue as well, or instead of a forum post?

Thanks for any suggestions/assistance!


New Member
I had the same issue. I first installed v29.1.3 but inadvertently loaded the INTEL version on my M2 Mac Mini.

This actually ran fine until it upgraded to v 30.0.2 when the constant but intermittent crashing started.

I installed the correct Apple MAC OS Silicon version and it hasn't missed a beat since !