OBS 29.1 - Elgato Stream Deck: Waiting for OBS


New Member

I just updated to OBS 29.1 and Elgato stream deck no longer works: "Waiting for OBS".

Luckily I have an OBS Portable version that I had copied before.
When I switched back to 29.0.2, the Elgato stream deck works fine again.

However, on my other PC with an installed OBS 29.1 (not portable), the stream deck works.
(Two PCs with two diffrerent Stream Decks, don't judge me :D)

Is the error perhaps related to the OBS 29.1 portable version?


New Member
I have tried a little and also set up a fresh new OBS 29.1 portable version. Unfortunately, the same problem.
I also uninstalled and reinstalled the Stream Deck software, also without success.

So I still suspect that the Stream Deck software finds or recognises the OBS 29.1 version, but not the OBS 29.1 portable version.


Forum Admin
The portable version no longer loads system-installed plugins, as by definition that does not make it portable. You'll need to install the Elgato plugin into your portable install.


New Member
Thank you. I discoverd it by myself minutes ago, after reading the Release Notes. xD

Plugins installed system-wide are no longer loaded when OBS is run in Portable Mode [gxalpha]

I installed the plugin into OBS 29.1 portable and I get one error after I start OBS. One plugin seems not to work or I copied in the wrong folder? Maybe some elgato stream deck "specialist" can help me with this last error:

Error loading plugin
Please update or remove them

But it should work with OBS 29.1, because it does on the non portable version, system-installed.


Forum Admin
Check %PROGRAMDATA%\obs-studio\plugins for the files from the system-wide plugin, be aware the directory structure is a little different. Files in the bin/64bit should be moved to obs-plugins/64-bit and data should be moved to data\obs-plugins\plugin-name.


New Member
I got it. the qt5 plugin is no longer needed.

OBS Studio 28+ upgraded the UI framework to Qt6, which causes plugins using the Qt5 framework.
I had the qt5 and qt6 plugin in my system-installed folder and copied both... my mistake.
sorry and thx for your support. :)


I got hit by this too and I was sure that by the time Elgato provides an update to their plugin at some point (which they don't do very frequently) I would have forgotten about this and get who knows what weird effect before figuring I am running a then-outdated Stream Deck plugin version.

Therefore I wrote a LUA script that on OBS startup would check for new Elgato plugin versions installed in the global location and offer to update the portable plugin too. You can find it here.