Bug Report OBS 23.0.1 Black Screen


New Member

it worked till upgrade from 22 to 23 version. i run OBS as admin.

now i get Black screen:

Here is the log:

13:19:47.040: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz
13:19:47.040: CPU Speed: 4008MHz
13:19:47.040: Physical Cores: 4, Logical Cores: 8
13:19:47.040: Physical Memory: 16315MB Total, 6938MB Free
13:19:47.040: Windows Version: 10.0 Build 17763 (revision: 316; 64-bit)
13:19:47.040: Running as administrator: true
13:19:47.040: Aero is Enabled (Aero is always on for windows 8 and above)
13:19:47.040: Windows 10 Gaming Features:
13:19:47.040: Game DVR: On
13:19:47.041: Sec. Software Status:
13:19:47.042: Windows Defender Antivirus: disabled (AV)
13:19:47.042: ESET Security: enabled (AV)
13:19:47.042: ESET Firewall: enabled (FW)
13:19:47.042: Windows Firewall: disabled (FW)
13:19:47.042: ESET Security: enabled (ASW)
13:19:47.042: Windows Defender Antivirus: disabled (ASW)
13:19:47.042: Current Date/Time: 2019-02-27, 13:19:47
13:19:47.042: Browser Hardware Acceleration: true
13:19:47.043: Portable mode: false
13:19:47.405: OBS 23.0.1 (64-bit, windows)
13:19:47.405: ---------------------------------
13:19:47.406: ---------------------------------
13:19:47.406: audio settings reset:
13:19:47.406: samples per sec: 44100
13:19:47.406: speakers: 2
13:19:47.407: ---------------------------------
13:19:47.407: Initializing D3D11...
13:19:47.407: Available Video Adapters:
13:19:47.408: Adapter 1: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080
13:19:47.408: Dedicated VRAM: 4104126464
13:19:47.409: Shared VRAM: 4259055616
13:19:47.409: output 1: pos={0, 0}, size={3440, 1440}, attached=true
13:19:47.411: Loading up D3D11 on adapter NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 (0)
13:19:47.450: D3D11 loaded successfully, feature level used: 45056
13:19:48.075: ---------------------------------
13:19:48.075: video settings reset:
13:19:48.075: base resolution: 3440x1440
13:19:48.075: output resolution: 2580x1080
13:19:48.075: downscale filter: Bicubic
13:19:48.075: fps: 60/1
13:19:48.075: format: NV12
13:19:48.075: YUV mode: 601/Partial
13:19:48.075: NV12 texture support enabled
13:19:48.077: Audio monitoring device:
13:19:48.077: name: Predefinito
13:19:48.077: id: default
13:19:48.077: ---------------------------------
13:19:48.085: [CoreAudio encoder]: Adding CoreAudio AAC encoder
13:19:48.086: Failed to load 'en-US' text for module: 'decklink-ouput-ui.dll'
13:19:48.118: [AMF] AMF Test failed due to one or more errors.
13:19:48.118: Failed to initialize module 'enc-amf.dll'
13:19:48.132: Module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libEGL.dll' not loaded
13:19:48.134: [obs-browser]: Version 2.3.0
13:19:48.137: NVENC supported
13:19:48.197: VLC found, VLC video source enabled
13:19:48.203: No blackmagic support
13:19:48.208: ---------------------------------
13:19:48.208: Loaded Modules:
13:19:48.208: win-wasapi.dll
13:19:48.208: win-mf.dll
13:19:48.208: win-dshow.dll
13:19:48.208: win-decklink.dll
13:19:48.208: win-capture.dll
13:19:48.208: vlc-video.dll
13:19:48.208: text-freetype2.dll
13:19:48.208: rtmp-services.dll
13:19:48.208: obs-x264.dll
13:19:48.208: obs-vst.dll
13:19:48.208: obs-transitions.dll
13:19:48.208: obs-text.dll
13:19:48.208: obs-qsv11.dll
13:19:48.208: obs-outputs.dll
13:19:48.208: obs-filters.dll
13:19:48.208: obs-ffmpeg.dll
13:19:48.208: obs-browser.dll
13:19:48.208: image-source.dll
13:19:48.208: frontend-tools.dll
13:19:48.208: enc-amf.dll
13:19:48.208: decklink-ouput-ui.dll
13:19:48.208: coreaudio-encoder.dll
13:19:48.208: ---------------------------------
13:19:48.208: ==== Startup complete ===============================================
13:19:48.215: Switched to Preview/Program mode
13:19:48.215: ------------------------------------------------
13:19:48.215: All scene data cleared
13:19:48.215: ------------------------------------------------
13:19:48.373: WASAPI: Device 'Auricolare e microtelefono (Corsair VOID PRO Wireless Gaming Headset)' initialized
13:19:48.545: adding 23 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 23 milliseconds (source: Audio desktop)
13:19:48.550: WASAPI: Device 'Cuffia auricolare con microfono (Corsair VOID PRO Wireless Gaming Headset)' initialized
13:19:48.948: adding 23 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 46 milliseconds (source: Mic/Aux)
13:19:48.979: Switched to scene 'World of Warcraft'
13:19:48.980: [game-capture: 'Cattura finestra a schermo intero (Game)'] attempting to hook process: Wow.exe
13:19:48.983: ------------------------------------------------
13:19:48.983: Loaded scenes:
13:19:48.983: - scene 'World of Warcraft':
13:19:48.983: - source: 'Cattura finestra a schermo intero (Game)' (game_capture)
13:19:48.983: ------------------------------------------------
13:19:48.994: [game-capture: 'Cattura finestra a schermo intero (Game)'] capture stopped
13:19:50.995: [game-capture: 'Cattura finestra a schermo intero (Game)'] attempting to hook process: Wow.exe
13:19:51.011: [game-capture: 'Cattura finestra a schermo intero (Game)'] capture stopped
13:19:53.012: [game-capture: 'Cattura finestra a schermo intero (Game)'] attempting to hook process: Wow.exe
13:19:53.027: [game-capture: 'Cattura finestra a schermo intero (Game)'] capture stopped
13:19:55.030: [game-capture: 'Cattura finestra a schermo intero (Game)'] attempting to hook process: Wow.exe
13:19:55.044: [game-capture: 'Cattura finestra a schermo intero (Game)'] capture stopped


New Member
my HD60S had the same problem but i connected it to adifferent usb port and it worked. even tho it worked WELL on the other 3.0USB port...

in your case idk. guess its a problem with the 23.0.1 hotfix o-o.