QSV makes a big difference in performance for me. All tough I have to use significantly higher bitrate to minimize artifacts but that is expected.
I don't really know how QSV works but I used GPU-Z to monitor my HD4000 usage and it never reached 30% load. Is this how it's supposed to be, is it something to do with my settings, is it how QSV is implemented into OBS or is GPU-Z just reading it wrong(I do have the latest version)
I have i5 3570k @4.4GHz, though clock speed should not matter for the GPU since it is separate.
Max Stream settings I tried:
CBR, 6000kb/s, 2500buffer
AAC 160bitrate
1600x900 base/downscale1280/720 @60FPS
Using QSV of course
This is the result, I had no frame rate and frame drop problems and it looked fine on my laptop. CPU usage was about 60%