NVFBC & NVIFR Support?


New Member
I read that this is available to any NVAPI developer now, and is inexpensive. Does/will OBS support this? I can't find it in the current version, and a forum search turned up nil. OBS is definitely the premier capture/broadcasting software in my opinion, but when performance is the #1 priority I'm forced to use ShadowPlay until more applications support NVFBC (and preferably NVIFR as well).


New Member
@c3r1c3 That only helps with compression which isn't really a significant problem with modern hardware. Mostly, I'm concerned with the bottlenecks that occur when capturing DirectX applications. I've noticed that NVFBC handles this marvelously.
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New Member
A search for NVFBC turns up this thread from only a month ago:


And just how inexpensive is it? Because it probably needs to be free, and open source compatible.
I did manage to find that thread about an hour after my OP. I'm not sure why I didn't find it on my first pass.

https://developer.nvidia.com/nvapi It seems to be free, although you gain access to more if you are a registered developer. I'm aware that free doesn't necessarily mean open source friendly, but surely it's worth looking into at least? *shrug* This isn't really my area of expertise. All I know is that I'd love to see OBS support it because OBS is my favorite and I recommend it to everyone.


Active Member
Well in any event, I think they're spending all the development time on the multiplatform version of OBS now. You might see if you can start a discussion there, if there hasn't been one already.