Nvidia NVFBC&NVIFR - SDK Available


New Member
Hi, I didn't find any thread on this one so I thought that someone could use the info.

Nvidia has released an updated version of their Grid SDK(April 2015), which contains all the required elements to run NVFBC(low overhead screen capture) and NVIFR(Low overhead app capture). What sounds interesting is this method "NVFBC_CAPTURE_TO_H264_HW_ENCODER" which takes the screen, sends it to NVENC for encoding and then provides a bitstream to the user. Pretty much OBS in a nutshell. Does anybody attempted to get some proof of concept out of the sdk? It appears to be c based so I can't do much to it :(
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Does it happen to say if they are enabled with geforce cards now ? Those apis have been locked out of geforce cards for a while now ( except for a few select programs ).


New Member
Does it happen to say if they are enabled with geforce cards now ? Those apis have been locked out of geforce cards for a while now ( except for a few select programs ).
I read the docs too fast and posted without thinking too much :P, it looks like it's locked to grid cards only, wishful thinking says that NVidia may let users use those api eventually like they did with nvenc