Notification when start record


New Member
Sound and/or some visual notification would be great setting to have when starting (and stopping) recording.
There is sound notification pluggin but it's not working.


New Member
i agree, this is much needed, especially for full screen applications with start and stop assigned to the same key


New Member
i agree, this is much needed, especially for full screen applications with start and stop assigned to the same key

Agreed. If there are plans for OBS to present an overlay in full-screen apps than it could be done there. Otherwise, an optional audible cue would suffice. It was pointed here that OBS produces an error sound in the event the stream fails in some fashion, however that is not an adequate substitution.

There is still a lack of status feedback on the primary function of the program, and even though I have never witness it miss a key capture, it is still unnerving. Human beings crave for certainty, and right now the only way to have it (without multiple monitors) is by starting the stream with OBS visible and then switching to the captured app, a workflow that makes hot-keys mostly pointless?

EDIT: My workaround for this when I absolutely can't/don't want to switch tasks is to use a laptop/tablet/phone to check stream status online (on the twitch dashboard for instance). Local recordings? No clue, storage devices are too damn quiet these days.
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