NO ❌ EpocCam device in OBS Studio 30.2.3 on MacOS macOS Sequoia 15.0 available


New Member
I'd like to use iOS third party App EpocCam in combination with an iphone, but the device EpocCam is not available in OBS Studio as it should be...

As you can see in my sceenshot in my OBS 30.2.3 on macOS Sequoia 15.0 there is no device EpocCam available in OBS device config

The advantage of using EpocCam is steering the camera options... and that change of 16:9 to 9:16 works

Bildschirmfoto 2024-09-26 um 21.14.44.png

Does anybody has any tipps?

Do we have to wait for updates?

Does anybody else has the same problem?

Thank you for your support!!!


New Member
I got the information that Elgato Virtual Camera is the correct DEVICE for using EpocCam Pro. Is this correct so far?

If so, what might be the reason that I do get the green screen instead of real live view of the iphone device connected, which does deliver the live view to Elgato Camera Hub in the background?