Question / Help Newby Needing Help


New Member
I like OBS but I play on a laptop and recording locally is all but impossible. (The video, upon playback, freezes while the audio keeps playing).

So I use Nvidias built-in. Problem: It's SUPER LOUD (and cannot be turned down) and the mic is SUPER QUIET at maximum boost.

What I want to do:

Use OBS to record ONLY audio (both just me in solo play, or me and my friends via discord).

This way, I can turn down the game, and turn up my mic, or turn down the mics if someone yells, in post-processing.

Is this possible?

If so; how?


Forum Moderator
Why not just use the NVENC support OBS already has? You can't record audio-only, though you could extract the audio track(s) from the output file with some third-party software.


New Member
I am using the NVENC encoding. The thing is; for Overwatch local recordings, the video freezes, or is choppy as heck, when I use OBS.

It just crashes when trying to record Mafia 3.

I get that this is a laptop, so it's limited in it's processing power, even if it is a newer laptop. But Shadowplay does not have these problems. That's why I use it for video recording.

Would you be able to suggest a good audio recording software? I have Audacity but it runs into the problem that I cannot start or stop it unless it is the priority program. I just want something that can catch me talking, or catch my friends and I talking. x.x