Negative delay filter


New Member
Hello. I don't see any post similar to this, but I might be wrong. Sorry in advance.

Anyway, I think it would be really helpful if scenes can add a negative delay in filters.

How could this be implemented? - Obviously, you cannot render anything before it is happened, but in background it would actually add a positive delay to every OTHER scene and audio input. The lowest delay number would be considered as reference point for every other delayable object (currently that's 0).

What would be accomplished by it? - It would create some sort of output order. The lower the number of delay, earlier it would get shown. It is really helpful if only one out of many objects are late for the output. (usually microphone or webcam)

Where could this be used? - Adding negative delay on webcam for example, would delay everything else by the same amount, making it appear as the camera is in sync with mic and visual scenes.

Thanks in advance.


Forum Moderator
Community Helper
Generally, if you need to negatively delay a source, the recommendation is to change how you're doing things.

Technically audio can be offset with a negative value in Edit -> Advanced Audio Properties, but that's about it.


New Member
When I have a ip camera that changes its delay everytime the program is restarted, how am I supposed to do things? This would be cool cause I could just set its delay to negative and only adjust that without worrying about adjusting overlays and audio sync.


New Member
Generally, if you need to negatively delay a source, the recommendation is to change how you're doing things.

Technically audio can be offset with a negative value in Edit -> Advanced Audio Properties, but that's about it.

I understand, but that would require the delay change of many other sources, to align only one.
I didn't have problems with my mic, so I never tried negative delay there, but thanks.