Question / Help Need Streaming Help! (URGENT)


Hey guys kind of new to streaming through OBS and want to stream my Elgato through it (Elgato HD NOT HD60 or anything) so I can run Twitch alerts ect all the goodies.
But when I try to stream it ALWAYS says HIGH CPU USAGE and my frames drop extremely bad and is unwatchable.
Here are my computer specs:

Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5200U CPU @ 2.20GHz 2.20GHz
8 Gig Ram
Graphics Card: AMD Radeon R7 M260/Intel(R) Graphics 5500

Can anyone give me the correct settings to stream at 720p/480p 30fps (min) without the continous lag/HIGH CPU USAGE warning? Or point me in the direction on fixing these problems.
Also just in case my internet speeds have ANYTHING to do with it (can stream fine through Elgato system itself just OBS always drops fps ect)
Download: 22.83 Mbps
Upload: 4.74 Mbps

Thanks! Just looking for the best settings so I can stream (I feel like my computer should be good enough to do it just not sure why it's not doing well)


Change CPU preset to something faster, also enable CBR, and try to use 1280x720 for your Base & Output resolution