Question / Help Need help in streaming!

Tai Nguyen

New Member
Hi everyone , I'm Tai and dont have experience in streaming. I'm playing games : World of Tanks, Overwatch , Leauge of lengend, ...

Here is my PC spec :

CPU : Xeon e3 v1231
VGA : GTX 970 Twin Froz
Main : MSI H97
OS : Window 10 64 bit 10586.338

I have tried many times with option 1080 60fps, and CPU too high (~100%) .When I preview it on youtube, images in video sometimes lag and delay.

So Could I streaming game with 1080p60fps? if not, which is best option?
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You cant with that cpu.

720p30fps, 2500bitrate max for twitch. You can try 45/60fps but it's not gonna be good quality on that low bitrate, on higher bitrate it will buffer for some viewers since they are all forced to watch your stream on that bitrate as nonpartner.

For youtube you can try higher bitrate since 360/480/720 is unlocked for regular youtubers aswel.

1080p60fps is not possible on one PC while you gaming, only couple cpus can do that and depends on what game.

Tai Nguyen

New Member
I tried to use NVENC instead of use CPU ... it is good except images in video sometimes lag and delay or fast !

I see many gamer streaming that option on youtube or twitch with same my pc spec.... !
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I can't help you with NVENC. Upload your log from OBS for further tips. x264 is best way to stream on youtube/twitch if you want quality.


Active Member
I haven't played Overwatch, but I've seen it posted a few times that you should use its frame limiter to keep the GPU from pegging. And I think I see an overloaded GPU in your logs.


As mentioned your cpu can't stream in 1080p. Try 720p45fps and cap Overwatch to 70/80fps to avoid huge drops. Simple as that. Monitor in task manager cpu usage and you will find good spot eventually.