Need feedback on game capture - ancient thread alarm


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As you all know, I've been a bit lacking in the updates. I've been working on game capture (and probably spending a bit too much time on it), and I would like to ask anyone available for some feedback on the latest version.

It's become more stable and usable -- note that even though I say that, this is still somewhat unstable, but it's working fairly well in most cases. It may crash some games, I'm not sure. (Just be forewarned of that fact)

edit: Released the latest version in 0.446a

If you do not get capture (black screen), please paste a log from %appdata%\obs\pluginData\captureHookLog.txt

NOTE: If possible, don't try to move/stretch the game capture image source itself. If you need to stretch a low-resolution game, use the built in stretch option. Changing the position/size currently is a bit buggy.

If you get black screen, try running OBS as an administrator.

Quake Live: Currently getting it working with quake live requires that you select the fullscreen window, and seeing as quakelive's fullscreen blocks out everything else when alt--tabbed, you need to have a second monitor to get it working.


Re: Need feedback on a new plugin

i have tried this with starcraft 2 on both full screen modes. i get a black screen.

also when i use this method the game suddenly start crashing when i try to change something or sometimes just by alttabing .

this same last issue happen sometimes when i use a capture software called bandicam but never with dxtory.

this is the log (win7 x64)
D3D9 Present
DoD3D9CPUHook: success, fps = 60, frameTime = 16666
DoD3D9CPUHook: success, fps = 60, frameTime = 16666
DoD3D9CPUHook: success, fps = 60, frameTime = 16666


Re: Need feedback on a new version of game capture

My overall experience with this test version was good. I tried it to stream Dota 2 and like you said it worked flawlessly. The visual quality seemed better than using software capture. However, game capture source is not able to capture mouse cursor yet.
Stretching also didn't cause any trouble :D

Awesome job man.


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Re: Need feedback on a new version of game capture

Thanks for the feedback. I'll do some more experimentation with alt-tabbing and see if I can't get more crashes to occur on my end, but starcraft 2 has been working fine for the most part. And as for dota 2 and such, yea, you're going to get excellent results on games using those APIs -- I'm really quite proud of that in particular.

Anyway, this was a serious beast of a project. It's finally getting more stable and usable though. Still crashes in some circumstances but I'm plugging the holes up when I manage to find/replicate them. Sorry about the mouse cursor, neglected to mention that in the post -- will be trying to get the mouse cursor in soon.

Also, the stretching feature is more for older or low-resolution games. I would recommend setting your base resolution to whatever your game resolution is instead


New Member
Re: Need feedback on a new version of game capture

HI dota 2 captures perfect thanks for this but natural selection 2 its just a black screeen when i try capture or even preview the screen ? dont understand how come anyways ill try some other games 2 and get back 2 u on what works what dosnt thanks again


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Re: Need feedback on a new version of game capture

paste me the log file I mentioned in the post, would be most helpful. also, I would recommend seeing if running OBS as admin changes anything


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Re: Need feedback on a new version of game capture

awesome that you are focusing on the fullscreen capture method :)
Jim said:
Anyway, this was a serious beast of a project. It's finally getting more stable and usable though. Still crashes in some circumstances but I'm plugging the holes up when I manage to find/replicate them.
I once asked you in IRC how long you would estimate the time to finish this, if it was weeks or months and you were like in some days it's ready. I knew that was not gonna happen :D

Anyways, I've been using Dxtory for a long time now and I can say that your capture method is a bit better. I have no input lag or stuttering or anything. Just lower FPS which is fine. With Screen Capture I have much input lag, with dxtory not so much and with game capture none. I am streaming Starcraft 2. I'll do some benchmarks tomorrow with different capture methods resolutions etc.


New Member
Re: Need feedback on a new version of game capture

Game source for me works like a charm! Every game ive tested works and no crashes so far.

I do like to mention that cursors in-games is not visible atleast not in dota2.


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Re: Need feedback on a new version of game capture

There seems to be no problem when i tried on starcraft 2 but the fps went down like 20 when i alt tabbed and came back into the game i suppose there is some problem with that. I mainly used dxtory so far and the quality seemed very similar but i still get a little bit more fps with dxtory in starcraft 2. I haven't tried it with Dota 2 yet.


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Re: Need feedback on a new version of game capture

Just so you know, as dxtory's performance is affected by the FPS you set in dxtory, mine similarly is also affected by the FPS you set in my app. You will get better performance depending on what FPS you set. 60fps will affect SC2 more than say 30fps, for example. I currently have a workaround that gets games to use the blazingly fast capture method in DX9 and DX10.0 games, but it currently requires placing a proxy D3D9.dll or D3D10.dll in the game's directory, and that's not really what I'd like to do, so I'm trying to figure out how to work around that.

Ruxxar - The reason I didn't release a 64bit version is because it has to match the game -- if you use the 32bit version it can capture 32bit games, but not 64bit games. If you use the 64bit version, it can capture 64bit games, but not 32bit games. It's a limitation of the architecture itself with interprocess communication. Besides, there's almost no difference in performance between the 32bit and 64bit version

Flaikar - Yep, I was totally wrong about that. So totally wrong.


New Member
Re: Need feedback on a new version of game capture

Trying to use the Game capture in combination with Dark Souls Prepare to die edition( With DSFix) results in the executable crashing

D3D9 Present

Seeing how this is likely caused by a .dll hooked into dark souls for the resolution fix, i'll look into using it with Skyrim in combination with an ENB shader to see if it produces similar results.

Seeing how i'm a DXtory user, i'll also see if i can get some solid comparisons on games that DO work.


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Re: Need feedback on a new version of game capture

DSFIx also hooks the game so you're probably going to have issues with it.

If you want to do a comparison with DXtory, make sure you're using the same FPS setting in OBS as you are DXtory. Also, make sure that you use the game's resolution in DXtory as well


New Member
Re: Need feedback on a new version of game capture

I used the same 20 fps value that i used in Dxtory and i was using scaling in dxtory too which was helping a lot to my game fps because i was streaming with dual core cpu. So it is probably the same with downscaling in OBS. Also i would like to try that super fast method that you mentioned too. Workaround to it is a big problem programming wise ?


Re: Need feedback on a new version of game capture

I tested it with Natural Selection 2 and the screen stays black, the same thing happened with an older Dxtory version and fullscreen windowed.
I tried it with Windowed Fullscreen and regular Fullscreen but both stay black with regular Fullscreen crashing the game very often. Also used the same settings as i used in Dxtory, resolutions are the same ingame and in OBS.

D3D9 Present
DoD3D9CPUHook: success, fps = 30, frameTime = 33333

No idea if it is helpful but thats the target information when capturing with dxtory:

DeviceType: DX9
View: Type=DX9 DevType=D3DDEVTYPE_HAL BhFlags=D3DCREATE_FPU_PRESERVE D3DCREATE_MULTITHREADED D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING Format=D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8 Size=1920x1080 HWND=0x0287035C WindowTitle=Natural Selection 2 ClassName=WindowClass7463298


New Member
Re: Need feedback on a new version of game capture

Tested it with DotA 2.

It works when using "Preview Stream". But when I actually start streaming the stream is black.

Here's the log.
D3D9 Present
GL Present
DoD3D9GPUHook: successD3D11 Present

Also tested with CS:GO and it seems to be working fine.


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Re: Need feedback on a new version of game capture

you may want to try to run OBS as administrator to get it working - This appears to fix the issue for many cases


New Member
Re: Need feedback on a new version of game capture

Jim said:
you may want to try to run OBS as administrator to get it working - This appears to fix the issue for many cases

Running OBS as administrator I get black screens when i try to preview or stream.

I found a workaround to get it working while streaming (for my system at least [win8 64bit]).

With OBS open:
Open then close Dota 2. Then when you reopen Dota 2, clicking "preview stream" or "start streaming" won't have a black screen.
However, when you click one the other won't work. So if you click "preview stream" it will be fine, but if you then click "start streaming" you will have a black screen and vice versa. But you can reset this by opening and closing Dota 2 again, so the next one you press won't have a black screen.

Other than that, Dota 2 seems to be capturing fine for me now.


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Re: Need feedback on a new version of game capture

Thanks for the report - found the cause of this. Make sure you restore Dota in between stopping and starting any preview / stream as if it's minimized it won't get the notification that the capture has stopped so it will not function on the 2nd attempt to capture. This likely applies to many other fullscreen D3D games too.