Question / Help NDI Plugin Source no longer available after I updated to 24.0.5

I have installed NDI, but it doesn't appear. Why?

I'm using Mac OSX Mojave. During the installation process there's no way to indicate the location, so i asume it is installed in the proper location.

There's any way to know where it is installed? Or any way to say to the installation program the proper location?


New Member
According to the logfile you haven't installed the OBS-NDI plugin.

If it were in the proper location, the logfile would either show it loading with the other .so modules, or display an error of why it couldn't be.
Interesting. I have installed it following the directions, OBS is installed on the same drive. But it doesn't show up in the log file either. I am finding it strange that we both are having the same issue.


New Member
I was having the same issue and it was basically not following the installer instructions. For Catalina you need to install the runtime first and then the plugin. There are 2 different packages for this in GitHub. I did it in the correct order and works well