My Encoder Overloading Woes


New Member

I have a 3060 TI, I7 core, 16GB RAM

I have recently run into an issue that didn't occur for me for my first several months of locally recording. This happens on both streamlabs and regular OBS. I'm under the impression that my hardware is plenty powerful to record my screen. Right before taking a 25 minute recording that ended up overloading the encoder, I recorded for an hour and a half with no issues whatsoever. It seemingly occurs at random. I feel like I have done everything at this point except recording via x264 which seemingly no one recommends.
Should I turn off HAGS? What do I do? I feel like I am losing my mind, and I am considering purchasing a second PC just to locally record Remnant 2 (amongst other games). Again, this never used to happen. Thanks in advance.


Active Member
1. The Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling ("HAGS") feature in Windows is currently known to cause performance and capture issues with OBS, games and overlay tools. It's an experimental feature and we recommend disabling it via these instructions.
2. Remove Display Capture and build your scenes with Window/Game/Video Capture etc. Only use Display Capture in it's own scene if you absolutely need to capture Windows stuff such as Start menu and Desktop.
3. In the Video encoder settings, disable Look-ahead, Psycho Visual Tuning and set Multipass to Singlepass. Those all use additional GPU.

If still having issues, post new log.