Bug Report Multiple Webcams - Multiple Issues


New Member
I have 3 logitech C920 webcams placed around my setup. On reboot OBS does not remember which webcam belongs where on the layout. It mixes them up. One other issue is when I attempt to adjust gain/exposure manually the cam refreshes when I am done and goes back to its original exposure which is way too dark. At times after adjusting it, it simply refreshes to a black screen and will not show any output from the cam. I have to open up that other application in order for the cam to start working again in OBS. That other application does not have an issue remembering where my cams belong or adjusting the settings.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Thank you for pointing it out, I have a C920 myself, just not more than one of them. I guess I'll have to buy more to check but it actually is supposed to remember it by their USB port.

The settings is also another bug that I'm trying to fix -- sorry about the inconvenience.

(Also please don't mind my rather compulsive nature)


New Member
For Dev's:
It's because the USB devices are initilized more less randomly. U cannot trust the enumeration. OBS should remember the USB Device serial additional on USB cameras or devices. You should get it via WMI.

In Linux world UDEV is used to detect devices while plug in and map the device depending rules (e.g. serial) to /dev/USB/0...5. Unfortunately UDEV is Linux only.