Question / Help Max keyframe interval change to 2.


New Member
Hey Guys,

Twitch apparently will be requiring different things now in order for your stream to be viewed on different devices or to be viewed period.

Can somebody let me know how to change the Max keyframe interval to 2. It currently says Max keyframe interval is currently at 8.489 seconds. Please set it to 2 seconds. Without changing it to 2 starting September 1st nobody on Consoles or Phones will be able to view it.

From what i've read you have to go to Advanced Setting and Customer Encoder Setting. I just don't know what to put. Thanks.


Forum Admin
That guide is wrong, it's keyint=x not -keyint X in the advanced x264 settings. There will be an updated OBS release with a UI option to set the keyframe interval soon, so you could wait for that instead.


New Member
R1CH said:
That guide is wrong, it's keyint=x not -keyint X in the advanced x264 settings. There will be an updated OBS release with a UI option to set the keyframe interval soon, so you could wait for that instead.

So under Advanced > Custom x264 Encoder Settings

You would put keyint=120 for 60fps?


Forum Admin
Yes. Twitch seems really strict about this though, even matching FPS*2 exactly it will still sometimes show that warning. It's probably safe to ignore until they improve the stream quality checker.


New Member
R1CH said:
Yes. Twitch seems really strict about this though, even matching FPS*2 exactly it will still sometimes show that warning. It's probably safe to ignore until they improve the stream quality checker.
Yes it says my quality is incompatible now, ill just wait.


New Member
R1CH said:
Yes. Twitch seems really strict about this though, even matching FPS*2 exactly it will still sometimes show that warning. It's probably safe to ignore until they improve the stream quality checker.
Do you know or can you give an estimate on the date of the update?


New Member
I got my settings all sorted and Twitch said it was "excellent". Thought i would check the replay of the test to find out it had actually ruined my quality. Looked so bad, so i have gone back to my settings before twitch brought this thing in.

So my advice is not to worry about it too much right now. A long time till the 31st :)


New Member
tmosm said:
I got my settings all sorted and Twitch said it was "excellent". Thought i would check the replay of the test to find out it had actually ruined my quality. Looked so bad, so i have gone back to my settings before twitch brought this thing in.

So my advice is not to worry about it too much right now. A long time till the 31st :)

A moderator asked exactly how the quality was ruined. As I have also had the same experience after changing my key frame interval from default to 2 I will answer. Twitch now says quality is "excellent" however my image now looks very blotchy or blurry. I looks like there a blurry squares all throughout.


Are you streaming at a (very) low bitrate? Because at (very) low bitrates there may be some quality loss indeed. However, when experimenting with it at common bitrates I noticed no noticeable quality loss of any kind. Dota 2 at 2880 Kbps looks just fine with the new requirements.


New Member
Krazy said:
How exactly was your quality ruined?

I got it fixed, although twitch seems very random on accepting its correct. Every refresh changes what my rating is so i guess the twitch system isnt that stable at this time.



Can someone explain to me why we have to set this x264 setting? What does it do for the quality of the stream? Is it some sort of config that allows mobile users to view the stream effectively?



Why we have to do it? Because Twitch demands it. What does it do for the quality of the stream? Nothing much unless you're streaming at very low bitrates. As far as your last question is concerned -- well, yes, it may in fact improve stream compatibility with mobile devices. At least, Twitch seems to think it does as it is one of their main reasons to be more strict like this.


Ok, ill mess with it and see if i can get the right setting for it. I take it since i stream at 30fps i would use "keyint=60" hence the *2 framerate?



Community Helper
Setting the keyframe interval to 2 helps with HLS, which is the delivery method that Twitch is moving toward instead of RTMP. It has several advantages, including better support for mobile, and will allow features in the future like DVR functionality.


Am i right though about the setting for the x264 option? Im assuming the X keyint=X represents * 2 of the fps i have currently set in obs?



Community Helper
Yes, but actually if you use the new version of OBS that was just released, you can just enter 2 seconds into the keyint field and not have to mess with custom x264 settings.


Thanks very much for the helpful info. I just received the update this morning and have done just that. Ill run some tests to see if anything is affected but i dont expect anything will be.

Thank You