Max audio buffering. Restarting source audio (NDI)


Active Member
Have you checked your network utilization? NDI can easily cripple a network & I'm fairly certain every A/V thread is running all the time with the OBS plugin.


New Member
I've disabled the rescale output on streaming tab, has no effect.
Issue is also arising when start streaming + start recording are left alone (obs is idle on stream rig)
I've also double checked, triple checked all of my audio devices (windows audio control panel) are 16 bit 48khz on both machines.
I've tried enabling ''use device timestamp'' on all my sources on gaming rig.

Network is fine. Running on a gigabit connection all wired with proper cables.
No change in outcome. Stream rig OBS is still adding audio buffering at completely random times.

Interesting observation: I had my game rig OBS running, but NDI output disabled, and just loaded up OBS on my stream rig and let it sit for about an hour. Even then it randomly added audio buffering to an NDI source (desktop from game rig in this case).
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Active Member
Good, leave that unchecked if you don't need it.

Yeah, somethings up with NDI & I already informed you of that yesterday. Since I don't use NDI with OBS, I can't troubleshoot, I only made that suggestion as you do have many threads running. Is it the runtime, plugin, ect. That's why I ditched a 2 PC set-up 18 months ago, too much AG.


New Member
I do need it because tarkov in 1080p on twitch looks horrible because of low bitrate... but this is just for testing purposes.

And ok so, NDI is the issue, there is no possible fix. Then what would the alternatives be? I'm looking to record in multiple audio tracks on my streaming rig because this will make editing a much easier job.


Active Member
I'm sure you can fix it, but I can't help & would only be guessing. Use a capture card/HDMI Cable & my favorite, just use 1 PC.


Active Member
Circled back to take look at the gaming rig log, there are a couple of Scenes with multiple Display/Game/Window captures. Only 1 Per.

I would try to clean-up & streamline that whole set-up too. Read the NDI Plugin thread, seems that those NDI Filters that you are using by the dozen come at a fairly high expense.


New Member
hello, i had max audio buffering too until I tried this out
its a alternative audio capturing plugin
it has a lot more features then the obs one atm, but if you want to capture all audio in 1 source, you can checkmark "capture all audio except..." and then leave the list blank i guess

this is the obsproject link: