MacBook Pro 2015 Retina not enough


New Member
Hey guys so I have a streaming ambition: I would love to stream Roll20 game (a browser token based movement) with video and chat from different users. I tried using roll20 chrome browser and discord but the resources used seemed to be too much and get everything crashing.

I want to find a solution. Some people said that the Mac should be able to do it. Others that I might need a stronger machine. What is your opinion? Maybe a dedicated server for streaming? And if so what to buy? Don't want to start by spending a lot of money.

SLatte Macchiato

New Member
One easy fix that I see here that could help with performance is to use other browser instead of Chrome, Safari works really well and Firefox too.

Then you have to take into consideration the dimensions of the video you want to record, try to resize the canvas and the output to 1080p,(try to maintain both to the same size), because standard fullscreen Mac displays is always almost 2k at minimum.

If that doesn't help, other option after that is to use the browser in windowed mode while recording, this helps with performance as well if you are having issues with stutters.