Looped video with start and end sequence


New Member
Hi! Maybe there is already working tool / options for this.
So I want to create scenes with animated lower thirds. Now I have background video and browser plugin to nice "fadein" title. Text in title I can change by tiping it in style css (using ::before content). So I can duplicate this scene, change only css and get nice titles.

But I want to make it even more nice. What I want to do:
1) when I enter into scene, animation should start (start.mp4 for example) and title fade in
2) animation will loop forever (loop.mp4) with title on.
3) when I change scene* for another it will first fadeout title and then play end.mp4 and then switch scene to destination.
*I don't know if this is possible to "hold scene if I want other scene", so in this point also i can just do something to execute ending without exiting from scene, and change it manually after animation is ended.

I know I could create 3 scenes for this, but this also mean i need 3 scenes each title.


Active Member
The Downstream Keyer plugin might be what you're looking for:

It's essentially another scene switcher, in addition to the one that OBS has natively, that puts its result on top of OBS's final output. So make sure to not have the entire DSK'ed scene opaque! (someone posted a nastygram a while back to that Discussion thread, who clearly didn't understand that, and accused it of breaking OBS)

So the idea here is to have 3 scenes that are meant to be DSK'ed over the top of everything else - one for each video - and then use the DSK dock to show them with transitions in between just like OBS itself does...except that this is happening over the top of whatever *else* you're also doing in the background.

The trick is to automate that, so that one shows after the other. In OBS natively, I'd use the Advanced Scene Switcher plugin to do that, but it can't directly see or control another plugin like DSK. Here it is anyway:
For this problem specifically, however, it may still be possible to detect the media itself ending (or getting close to the end), and fire a hotkey that DSK picks up...


Active Member
If you're looking for a whole lot of things to happen with just one hotkey, Adv. SS can do that too! It tends to work a lot better if it does everything itself, than if you try to detect an already existing thing because you're tacking it on later.

So for example, you could have a single hotkey trigger a sequence of macros that collectively:
  1. Send a hotkey that DSK responds to (*), to show the ending scene.
  2. Switch scenes in OBS proper.
  3. Send a different hotkey that DSK responds to (*), to show the starting scene.
  4. Send one more hotkey that DSK responds to (*), to show the looping scene, which is itself set to loop on its own.
I find it's usually better to have a series of small macros than one large one. Much more flexible timing, and you can connect each step to the thing that it's actually waiting for, instead of trying to time it all out.

(*) For the hotkeys that Adv. SS sends to DSK, they don't have to actually be on the physical keyboard. You can set up Adv. SS to send something that doesn't physically exist, and then have Adv. SS send them manually when you're setting up DSK. Now you have something that only Adv. SS can do, and you won't clutter up the keyboard with things you shouldn't use and might fat-finger by accident!
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New Member
Im familiar already with Advanced Scene Switcher, but I was hoping that really I don't need to creating much scenes ;) I love maximum universal things. Anyway thanks for complex answers


Active Member
I find that it works better (at least for me) to have lots of simple scenes, instead of a few complex ones. Only one or two sources each; four or more needs a really good reason, but I do have a couple of those.

It makes you switch scenes a lot, but for what I do at least, I'm changing everything on the screen anyway, and audio is completely separate from that (the scenes are silent, with a naming convention that Adv. SS picks up to control the separate audio based on the current scene), so it lines up perfectly with my workflow to do that.

Everything has an irreducible complexity. You can move that complexity around, but if you really want to do "that", then you have to have it *somewhere*. You can't get rid of it. I've seen people insist on keeping the setup simple, which means that they have to manually navigate the inherent complexity every time they use it, but I'd rather move that complexity into the one-time setup (which includes testing and troubleshooting) so that the repeated operation becomes simpler.