Log File Check - OBS or Network Issue?


New Member
I'm a bit new to reading OBS logs, but we had a disconnect-and-reconnect last night.

Just wondering if someone could take a look at the log file and see if they could let me know if OBS had any issue if it was an OBS side problem or if we could see that it was caused by our network provider having an issue in the log.

The issue occurred between 20:20 and 20:40, and I have attached the corresponding segment of the log file below.



  • obs disconnect timeframe log pull.txt
    2 KB · Views: 45


Active Member
in my experience, OBS log won't provide the answer you are looking for.
Sometimes, those with OBS expertise can review an entire OBS log and see if any obvious config issues (or under-powered hardware, or WiFi etc) which could be potential issues.
The rendering lag means you are possibly near maximum rendering potential with your settings
Have you tested by turning off psycho_aq: ? this forum has discussions of when that sometimes helps

This is the challenge of using the internet... most consumer users have no idea where along the data patch issues are taking place.. a Public-Peering point? their ISP? ISP last mile wiring? local modem? or user's own LAN traffic or hardware? any of those are possible, and I've seen all that here in the last couple of years.

So, I'd start with real-time monitoring of your LAN.. make sure issue isn't your PC or some other devices on LAN (even IoT ones you think are off) doing something unexpected. Also, beware that most ISP optimize for typical traffic (with is downstream focused, and often not jitter and latency sensitive, and those that are have buffers built-in to accommodate typical issues). When you livestream traffic is going the other direction and is Jitter sensitive - Some ISP handle such fine, some don't. Without doing you own traffic analysis.. you'll be hard-pressed to get ISP to act. Though a simplistic, non-deterministic, test if you have recurring issues, is to connect to an alternate ISP and test (preferably wired over cellular) .. this may involve taking your PC to another location. sorry... such network testing can get complicated for most users