Question / Help Local recording is fine, streaming to Twitch is not


Active Member
20:04:30: max bitrate: 4500
20:04:30: buffer size: 4500

20:04:31: Using RTMP service: Twitch /

You didn't listen to advice about bitrate. Twitch caps out at 3500. Set it to 3500 or less.


New Member
Boildown said:
20:04:30: max bitrate: 4500
20:04:30: buffer size: 4500

20:04:31: Using RTMP service: Twitch /

You didn't listen to advice about bitrate. Twitch caps out at 3500. Set it to 3500 or less.
Yeah I did, it just didn't work ot as well. And twitch doesn't have a cap at all, I've been able to stream at 10mbps before.


Community Helper
They technically don't have a cap (yet) but they have been talking about rejecting people who stream at high bit rates.

Quote: ... 1001835044

Cyrus Hall said:
We do not officially support streams at 5Mbps (or 4 Mbps for that matter). Indeed, we have discussed automatically disconnecting streams at such high bitrates when they are detected, and certainly make no guarantee that they will continue to work going into the future. In some ways they are an abuse of what we offer: free bandwidth to bring what you stream to your viewers. That bandwidth has a real cost for us, and until that cost drops further, some bitrates are not sustainable. Compression is a reality for now.

If you feel 1080p has too many artifacts at 3.5 Mbps or less, I would suggest using 720p instead. Anyway, most viewers can't download, or decode 5 Mbps 1080p video - broadcasting at those settings is limiting your possible viewership reach.