Laptop uses both AMD and Nvidia, which video encoder should be used?


New Member

I have been using OBS for my video recording for the past couple of years, but I want to update those settings a little bit. After looking through a couple of YT videos about the OBS settings, they all suggested using Nvidia.

The problem with that is that my Windows 10 laptop uses both AMD and Nvidia within it.

The processor I mostly use for stuff is AMD Ryzen 5 4600H with Radeon Graphics, but also within this laptop is Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 for the card.

What I am asking is if I should still be using the AMD HW H.264 video encoder, or if I am able to use the Nvidia NVENC H.264 video encoder, or will something happen if I try to use the Nvidia video encoder(s) because I mostly use AMD processor?

I'll post a log file mainly because I have to with issues/questions:


Active Member
Do test recordings with the same original footage with both encoders and see if both really work, how the performance impact is, and how the quality is.

For desktop PCs, nvenc is superior to the AMD encoder, because it gives better quality and uses (almost) no GPU resources. I don't know how the behavior is on laptops, because laptops have some computer magic to switch between power saving GPU and high performance GPU on the same monitor, so performance behavior might be different. Nvenc is the better encoder in terms of quality on laptops as well, of course, so if possible, try to use nvenc.