Laggy/Choppy video after recording game.


New Member
54.437: Game Bar: On
15:56:54.437: Game DVR: On
Disable it

Dont use Display capture and game capture in one scene best use a scene per game and the Advanced scene switcher to Switch the game when its starts

Deinstall mc Affe Windows defender make the same Job but didnt use so much resources

Record in mkv when obs freez or bluescreen the recording is garage with mp4

record in cqp Not in cbr
I do what you say but when I move in the game it's still lag
What should I do


Hi bro, how is your CPU usage when this happen? Do you have many programs open at the same time? Often video games will slow your computer down if your computer is not particularly advanced. You can try to clean up your computer memory and check and update your hard drive.


Active Member
1. Run OBS as Admin. Right click on the OBS shortcut, properties, advanced, check box, ok, apply, ok.
2. Record to FLV or MKV. If you record to MP4 or MOV and the recording is interrupted, the file will be corrupted and unrecoverable.
If you require MP4 files for some other purpose like editing, remux them afterwards by selecting File > Remux Recordings in the main OBS Studio window or enable Auto Remux in the Advanced Settings.
3. Display and Game Capture Sources interfere with each other. Never put them in the same scene (Scene).
4. Set you OBS FPS to 30.
5. In Zoom, make sure Group HD video is Off.


New Member
It's because I use Advanced
My computer is not that strong when I use advanced it's laggy but when I use simple it's good now!


People are making this too complicated. It's because your CPU is a high efficiency 15 watt laptop CPU, it doesn't have enough processing power to do software encoding. You're also doing bicubic resampling to get the smaller resolution which takes a lot of power. You should try recording at full res 1600x900 but I doubt it will work well


New Member
Hi!, having a similar problem that has literally happened over night. this is after an initial issue with game capture no longer working and giving me a black screen, so switched to display capture instead. I tried the above solution:
( OBS Settings, Output, Output Mode: Advanced. Type: Standard, Format: mkv, Encoder: x264, Rate Control: CRF, CRF: 23, Keyframe: 2, CPU: veryfast, Profile: High. Adjust CRF (higher number = lower quality) and CPU (faster = lower quality) as needed )
...looked fine for the first minute, but starts lagging/ choppy at 1min 18 secs. running as admin. please help!

literally have the same problem, yesterday game capture turned black all of a sudden, switched to display and now video is real laggy


New Member
having the same problem, it happened overnight, i was recording some combos in sf6 and the video is choppy as hell, and its just for games, recording my desktop and such it stays normal and fluid