Question / Help Issue with quality 1 pc stream vs 2 pc (ndi)


New Member
Hello everyone, basically I am able to achieve better stream quality with my Gaming rig, than I am with my streaming rig.

The difference is not huge, but my streaming PC is able to produce a "sharper image", and it particularly noticeable in my webcam when I am in-game menus.

I stream with 5500 bit rate, 720p 60fps.
x264, Medium Preset

Before I jump into the specifics, below are the specs for each PC:

Gaming PC:
9700K OC to 4.8ghz
1080 GTX MSI Gaming+
32GB RAM 3200Mhz

Streaming PC:
4690k OC to 4.2Ghz
16GB Ram 1800Mhz
770 GTX

When I stream with my gaming PC, I am able to have better image quality than when I use a 2 PC Setup via NDI.

The difference in image quality is not insane, but it is still there.

For example in my webcam, my chair (black) only has small little pixels that seem to flicker quickly on my gaming PC, but on my streaming PC these are more like little blocks.

I am not sure if this is due to either quality loss through NDI, or my streaming PC just not displaying a good image due to the cpu itself not being as good, or the lower RAM speed?

Both PCs have a similar amount of dropped frames due to encoding.
My Gaming PC tends to drop 20 or so over a 4 hours stream, whilst my streaming PC drops about the same.

The logs for each PC are here:
At the top is my streaming pc one, and half way down my gaming pc.

Also, here are two vods for each (these vods are actually for the logs that I provided above):
Stream with single PC (gaming PC):
Stream with streaming PC (NDI set-up):

There are "encoding" laggs stalls in both, as well as some frames due to bandwidth, however the bandwidth ones happen at moments in my stream when I open webpages and so on, and are not causing the actual issue, as this usually happensover 10 seconds of lagg at the start of the stream when i boot up streamlabs, twitch chat etc (I have only 2-3 MB download, but 10mb upload, so when I open a webpage it will cause frames to drop for a few seconds).

The difference in quality is not insane, however it is noticeable, and I'd just like to know if the quality is being lost when the data is being sent via NDI, or just due to the fact that my streaming PC is an inferior machine, and even if it is having the same encoding performance as my gaming pc (same minimal encoding lagg), as it is a worst machine the quality of the image/encoding is slightly worst.

Anyhow, let me know if I can provide anymore info.

Thanks in advance! :)