I wrote a service in node.js that will save the city and state to a text file to be displayed in OBS. But I'm having to call it form a web bowser to take advantage of the browser's geolocation API. Unfortunately that means I have to keep the webpage as the active window when I would prefer to have other tools as the active window.
I'd like to see an extension that runs every 1-3 minuets that can get my laptops geolocation, send the lat and long to an online API such as
https://geocode.maps.co/, then extract and display the relevant location information from the response on the screen.
Example response from geocode.maps.co, the address contains the city and state.
"place_id": 336733521,
"licence": "Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0.
"osm_type": "way",
"osm_id": 51804371,
"lat": "21.364891",
"lon": "-157.94993098342886",
"display_name": "USS Arizona Memorial, Langley Avenue, Waipahu, Honolulu County, Hawaii, 96860, United States",
"address": {
"historic": "USS Arizona Memorial",
"road": "Langley Avenue",
"city": "Waipahu",
"county": "Honolulu County",
"state": "Hawaii",
"ISO3166-2-lvl4": "US-HI",
"postcode": "96860",
"country": "United States",
"country_code": "us"
"boundingbox": ["21.3646362", "21.3650958", "-157.9501083", "-157.9497214"]