Question / Help i7-4770k GTX 780 SC SLI, Low FPS on LoL While streaming 1080


New Member
I have i7-4770k, GTX 780 ACX Cooling SLI and M6E motherboard,
however I get below 60 fps on Howling Abyss and below 120 fps on Summoners Rift while streaming 1080p 120fps, 3000 bitrate, quality balance 10.

Can anyone tell me what settings I have wrong?
I mean, this desktop should be able to stream everything with top quality.


Forum Admin
Re: i7-4770k GTX 780 SC SLI, Low FPS on LoL While streaming

Drop your FPS to 30 or something more reasonable, 120 FPS for live streaming is pointless and your CPU won't be able to handle that without QSV (and even then it's still a terrible idea). SLI is also problematic for game capture.


Re: i7-4770k GTX 780 SC SLI, Low FPS on LoL While streaming

1080 in 120 FPS?... You're serious? The Flash player can't even render that properly, last I checked. First of all, do a bandwidth test over at -- be sure to pick a server near the one you've been streaming to, ideally both are near you, obviously.

And, Q-10? Q-10 is pointless for streaming purposes. No matter how much you throw at it, you can't avoid a certain amount of quality loss, Q-10 will not solve that and will only strain your resources. I would suggest switching to CBR at roughly 80% of your real world upload rate. In 30 FPS, not 120. 30 is fine for 1080p. Do not forget that with each increase in FPS, there is a logical decrease in quality per frame. As you do not have an infinite upload speed. Switching to 30 FPS will improve the quality of switching to CBR dramatically whilst also making for a far more accessible stream for your viewers.


New Member
Re: i7-4770k GTX 780 SC SLI, Low FPS on LoL While streaming

If my upload is 2.5mb-5mb what should my bitrate be?
I have it at 3000 right now, is that fine?
Or should it be lower?


Re: i7-4770k GTX 780 SC SLI, Low FPS on LoL While streaming

You should run an upload test at, as I said. :P It doesn't provide a range as a result, just a cold hard figure. ;)


New Member
Re: i7-4770k GTX 780 SC SLI, Low FPS on LoL While streaming

yeah it was 2.2mb
and speedtest was 3.7mb
but normally speedtest says 5.5mb


Active Member
Re: i7-4770k GTX 780 SC SLI, Low FPS on LoL While streaming

1- Flash can't really handle even 1080p@60 effectively, much less higher. 30-45 is the highest that it's going to be able to swing on most people's systems. I'd stick to 30. If you NEED 60fps (super-high-motion game) drop to 720p.
2- Run a 6MB test at which will give you a good idea of your ACTUAL throughput ( is worthless for streaming purposes, it tests dead-file transfers, not constant throughput). You likely have a lot less actual throughput than you think you do.
3- Take that result and crank it back by about 300-500kbps (allowing network throughput for LoL, which is greedy/bad netcode), or 3500kbps, whichever is LOWER. (Twitch has problems with any incoming streams higher than 3500).

I'd strongly disagree with Kharay; there is a noticeable difference between even Q9 and Q10, especially in low-motion games (MOBAs are borderline medium-low for the most part) if you're looking for top-shelf clarity.
CBR wouldn't be a bad idea though in the interim, as it spikes less over your set rate. Make sure you have CBR padding enabled though, to help reduce the usage on static scenes.

(edit) Yeah, you only have about 2200kbps actual. You'll want to drop to 1500-1700 to allow a network margin for LoL. And you may want to drop to 720p@30 if you only have about 1500kbps actual. This is why speedtest is worthless for streamers.


Re: i7-4770k GTX 780 SC SLI, Low FPS on LoL While streaming

Jerzup said:
yeah it was 2.2mb
LoL is a bit of a bandwidth hog, unfortunately. Go give CBR @ 1750 Kbps a try, in 720p (downscale, using the Lanczos filter) @ 60 FPS. TestMy's results are more reliable for streaming purposes, SpeedTest's results are more bursty whereas TestMy's test is a bit more sustained and will give a more accurate figure of your actual throughput. Although it is still not 100% accurate but, well...


Town drunk
Re: i7-4770k GTX 780 SC SLI, Low FPS on LoL While streaming

For a MOBA, CBR is definitely preferred. Unlike an FPS game, there isn't a lot of switching between high motion and low motion scenes. If you do stick with VBR, however, MOBAs are generally fine with Quality Balance set from 8-10. Games that have high motion will definitely look better with a lower Quality Balance (which is just CRF) because of how CRF works when you have a vbv-maxrate specified.


Re: i7-4770k GTX 780 SC SLI, Low FPS on LoL While streaming

FerretBomb said:
there is a noticeable difference between even Q9 and Q10
Most viewers return to a stream for one or both of the 2 following reasons:
  • The content -- ie, the game(s)
  • The streamer -- For whatever reason (sense of humor, funny, female, etc, etc, etc)
They do NOT return just because it's purty. They do however stop returning if:
  • It puts too much of a strain on their connection.
  • The stream is choppy, laggy.
  • The streamer is a <insert something here>
If lowering the quality helps to stabilize his stream and make it more enjoyable for everyone involved, where's the harm? Quit nitpicking everything I say, it is becoming exceedingly tedious and makes me wonder what the <insert something else here> your problem is. No joke.


New Member
Re: i7-4770k GTX 780 SC SLI, Low FPS on LoL While streaming

Alright im using CBR at 1500 with 30 fps on 1080p im getting 200fps now while streaming :)


Active Member
Re: i7-4770k GTX 780 SC SLI, Low FPS on LoL While streaming

Kharay said:
If lowering the quality helps to stabilize his stream and make it more enjoyable for everyone involved, where's the harm? Quit nitpicking everything I say, it is becoming exceedingly tedious and makes me wonder what the <insert something else here> your problem is. No joke.
That's true. If it's necessary, dropping the quality is a way to get a stream running and stable. But a stream that looks like crap is going to be as much a turn-off as anything else. Sure, not everyone needs to go for highest quality, but expressing that Q10 is 'pointless' is fallacious. If you have the bitrate to spare and/or are playing a low-motion game, it WILL make a noticeable difference in image clarity.

As far as my 'nitpicking' you, it's because you give out that type of incorrect information on a regular basis, mixed in with decent repeated advice gleaned from other threads. Unfortunately this mixture of good info and post-bull digestive product means that people who have just started using the program will intake some of the latter and accept it as good information, then repeat it as well.

It's one thing to say 'try using Q7 as a good starting point and adjust from there on trial and error', and another to say 'use Q7, Q10 is pointless'. It may be a subtle distinction.


Forum Admin
Re: i7-4770k GTX 780 SC SLI, Low FPS on LoL While streaming

The difference between the various Q settings is mostly negligible provided the vbv buffer is being filled anyway. CBR is generally a much better way to get fairly consistent quality without having to worry about the rate factor.


Re: i7-4770k GTX 780 SC SLI, Low FPS on LoL While streaming

FerretBomb said:
mixed in with decent repeated advice gleaned from other threads.
... here we go again. You know, FerretBomb...

No... leave it, you're not even remotely worth it. Perma-foe for you, sorry. Seriously can't stand your judgemental, short-sighted, over-inflated and berating attitude anymore.


Town drunk
Re: i7-4770k GTX 780 SC SLI, Low FPS on LoL While streaming

If you two don't kiss and make up, I'm kicking you both out for a week until you settle down.


Re: i7-4770k GTX 780 SC SLI, Low FPS on LoL While streaming

Mathematicians have yet to come up with a number low enough to describe my interest in doing so.

Let's just get back to the topic at hand, shall we?


New Member
Re: i7-4770k GTX 780 SC SLI, Low FPS on LoL While streaming

By the way, what is x264 CPU preset and CFR in advanced settings?
Should I be messing with those with my system specs?