I think the newest obs version is not supporting my AMD??


Active Member
I'll let you figure out what driver should be installed. You can use a hardware encoder but it must be the iGPU, your 6550M does not support encoding.

Try disabling the Twitch multi-stream, the iGPU may or may not support it.
09:39:38.274: Preparing enhanced broadcasting stream for:
09:39:38.274: custom config: No
09:39:38.274: config url: https://ingest.twitch.tv/api/v3/GetClientConfiguration
09:39:38.274: settings:
09:39:38.274: service: Twitch
09:39:38.274: max aggregate bitrate: Auto (0)
09:39:38.274: max video tracks: Auto (0)
09:39:38.274: custom rtmp url: Yes ('rtmp://jkt01.contribute.live-video.net/app')
09:39:38.274: vod track: No

Added support for Multitrack Video streaming [palana]
  • On Twitch, this is known as Enhanced Broadcasting. For more information, see: https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/multiple-encodes
  • The supported audio channel configurations are stereo or mono.
  • This feature is currently only available on Windows and requires an NVIDIA GTX 900, GTX 10, or RTX 20 series GPU or newer or an AMD RX 6000 series GPU or newer. Support for other operating systems and GPU vendors is planned.
