I just wanna say...I love you!


New Member
..No homo, but this software is simply awesome. Before OBS i could hardly stream (ingame lag, or really bad quality).
I've tried Xsplit and FFsplit and they are nowhere close to the performance of OBS.

I even thought about a two laptop setup or broadcasting to the router to stream from somewhere else, but now I just can use one laptop, which is not the newest anymore but it can handle it :O

Here are my specs:

Intel i5-2520M
4GB Ram
Intel HD Graphics 3000 :!:


Downscaled to 910x512 (Is there a way to do a custom downscale?)

30-60 fps ingame, which is more than I could ever ask for.

I'm still experimenting around with the settings, I could probably go higher on OBS or League of Legends but I want it as stable as possible.

Here is a sample-video: http://de.twitch.tv/kay2dacee/b/347246265

Please consider adding more donation options. I'd love to support this project, but I'm not a friend of PayPal.