I have a few suggestions!


New Member
First off, i would like to say, EPIC program! i have used it today, and really love it, for being free!
(I understand it is still in some of the early stages of its life, so much to be done!)

Alright, so i would like to help you guys out so much as posible, so i got a few suggestions from a guy that knows what he wants, which i guess it is what you guys are looking for so, so here we go:

Alright, i can only explain it since im not very good at pictures, and stuff, but i might be able to add some paint pictures tomorrow showing a more detailed describtion.

So here we go finally:

I would like / recommend you guys to make it so you have a screen capture in your program, that automatically, records, and stream what is in side a box that you are able, to move around and resize as much as posible! i think this would be awesome.! (Sorry if it is unclear of my message, i will explain more later, im on my laptop right now, once i get to my desktop i will do as much as posible)

(I have a question, when i today tried to capture my screen 1, it worked perfectly with nothing running on it, just the desktop, and windowed games/other programs, but as soon as i go into a full screen game, like lets say Call of Duty, my stream is just black, i would like to know why it is not posible just to like stream full screen ? Im not saying it is bad of you guys or anything, i was just wondering! :) thank you very much)

Thank you for reading!


Forum Admin
Full screen games function differently, so you need to hook into them with something like Dxtory or the experimental game capture Jim is working on for OBS if you want to show them