Question / Help How to select a source


New Member
This is just a basic operation question. I clicked Global Sources and added a window source, to stream just the game I want to stream. It detected the game, everything seems fine. You can create and name several sources this way... my question is simply, how do you use the sources once you've created them?

In the main screen there's a box that's labeled "sources:" but it's blank. How do I get the sources I created in global sources to show up there? Or am I just completely misunderstanding something?


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Hey, you right click on it. Right clicking on the listboxes is how you add and modify stuff in them. Make sure you've made a scene first as well. This is explained in the (admittedly very bare) help file, but I understand that some people don't want to have to use help files, so I'll have to try to make it more clear somehow in an update down the road.


New Member
Thankyou for the fantastically fast reply. I didn't know about the help file because I never actually saw the install location. The program just ran after installation, and every time I've launched it from the start menu, never by going to the actual install location. Definitely going to give it look now though.

I had tried rightclicking sources but for some reason never tried rightclicking scenes. I think I got it now. I was just rightclicking sources and scratching my head wondering why nothing would happen. Now I get a menu.

This program seems awesome, thanks for all the hard work!

edit: Totally got it working now.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Yea, I'll have to adjust that in the installer. And maybe make it ask if the user wants to read the help file first or something.. Need to update the help file though and make it more complete.