How to change system tray icon


New Member
I'd like to use a symbolic icon in the system tray, because my system automatically changes the color of all text and widgets in system tray between black and white according to the desktop wallpaper in the background.
I've discovered the following icons installed by OBS Studio in my system (Kubuntu 20.10), and changing them had no effect.
I wonder how the icon in system tray can be changed?
/usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/com.obsproject.Studio.png /usr/share/kf5/kmoretools/presets-kmoretools/com.obsproject.Studio.png /var/lib/app-info/icons/ubuntu-groovy-universe/128x128/obs-studio_com.obsproject.Studio.png /var/lib/app-info/icons/ubuntu-groovy-universe/64x64/obs-studio_com.obsproject.Studio.png


New Member
I am trying to figure out the same thing and not having much luck, its one of the only two system tray icons left I haven't figured out how to set yet.

OP, I assume you figured out by now, can you post solution here? I registered to watch this thread; or of course anyone else who knows.