Question / Help High Encoding Rate During Recording


New Member
I recently started making youtube videos and using OBS to capture my my footage. when i first started, everything worked fine with no issues. however recently I started recording for new videos i realized that obs was constantly giving me a "warning high encoding rate" message in the bottom left, and my footage went from clean to frame drops to almost complete stops. i have no idea what caused this or how to fix it. any help? thanks!


Active Member
Something must have changed. A different game might use more CPU, leaving less for OBS to use, for example.

Post an OBS log file from a time where it gave that warning, from a five minute or longer recording.


Forum Moderator
Looks like your GPU is being maxed out. Enable vsync or the frame rate limiter in Overwatch and make sure your in-game quality settings aren't more than the GPU can handle.