High CPU usage in windows 11 24h2


New Member
May have found a fix.

So I went to Settings - Output - Recording and changed my video encoder from x264 to NVIDIA NVENC H.264. It seems to have solved the issue. Now at 2% CPU rather than 12% CPU (even when I had the same bitrate on both)

Could this cause any problems I've not thought of?


New Member
Since Win 11 24h2 I have been experiencing high CPU usage. I multistream using the combination of multistream (not the aitum one) and Tiktok live studio and my CPU usage use to be in the 0.4% range streaming to 5 channels. Since the update I now experience OBS usage in excess of 25%. I also experience issues where certain instances of scenes will freeze games, which has not happened before. These errors have been specific to after the win 11 24h2 update. Will I be able to find old logs showing before and after.


New Member
May have found a fix.

So I went to Settings - Output - Recording and changed my video encoder from x264 to NVIDIA NVENC H.264. It seems to have solved the issue. Now at 2% CPU rather than 12% CPU (even when I had the same bitrate on both)

Could this cause any problems I've not thought of?
Beacouse x264 use CPU for encoding, NVIDIA NVENC H.264 use GPU for encoding.


New Member
me on win11 23h2


New Member
Could it be that maybe OBS is now actually showing the correct CPU usage when before it was so obv it didn't esp when it showed 0.0% usage for me when theres no way in ..... that with all the crap i got going on, on my stream that OBS is only using 0.0%. I think OBS is now showing the actual correct CPU usage. Barring those that are spiking to over 25% on modern CPUS with higher clock speeds. That's a little high.
Mine is hovering around 15-20% which I feel is around the correct range with the crap I've got going on my stream. Oh and BTW OBS is now showing the incorrect GPU usage lol. the cpu usage and the gpu usage have just been reversed. gpu used to be correct, now cpu. this is funny.
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Forum Moderator
Could it be that maybe OBS is now actually showing the correct CPU usage when before it was so obv it didn't esp when it showed 0.0% usage for me when theres no way in ..... that with all the crap i got going on, on my stream that OBS is only using 0.0%. I think OBS is now showing the actual correct CPU usage. Barring those that are spiking to over 25% on modern CPUS with higher clock speeds. That's a little high.
Mine is hovering around 15-20% which I feel is around the correct range with the crap I've got going on my stream. Oh and BTW OBS is now showing the incorrect GPU usage lol. the cpu usage and the gpu usage have just been reversed. gpu used to be correct, now cpu. this is funny.
A change in how this information is reported by Windows (which is where the number in OBS comes from) is what makes the most sense.


Active Member
A change in how this information is reported by Windows (which is where the number in OBS comes from) is what makes the most sense.
This is what I see as well. I run monitoring software on my system with a long history, and it shows since 24h2 the general cpu usage is displayed much higher. Since I didn't change my usage profile at the same time, the real cpu usage is the same. It's just displayed now with higher numbers. It's purely a display thing.

24H2 was installed on October, since then CPU usage is reported 10 times higher. No actual and no perceived performance difference, of course. Just a matter of display. And it's definitely not an OBS issue, since I run OBS just sporadically for a short amount of time (1-2 hours), not daily, while my computer is switched on almost every day except for the night.