Hide Transition don't work when you disable the group


New Member
If you make a group in the scene and put a few elements in, then you can set Show and Hide transition effects for each the element. When you enable the group, each the element will play its Show Transition. They can be different, ex, one element slides left and the other slides right.

However, in 30.1.2 this won't work for the Hide Traisition. When you disable the group, everything just dissapears without any effect. Probably just a mistake, and it would be super cool to add (fix) it.

Suslik V

Active Member
Actually it's a bug and should be fixed. The Scene source is free from this bug.

Because, no single sources are hidden (eye icon of each source within the group remains in "enabled" state), thus, normal behavior is not to force show/hide transitions.

If similar special effect needed you may try to assign same hotkey to all sources within a group (OBS supports multiply hotkeys per source).
With the Advanced Scene Switcher plugin you can write 2 scripts that will fire hotkey for internals of OBS on each show/hide of the Group itself (if you prefer eye icon click controls instead of the direct hotkeys as mentioned above).

The bug exist for all platforms (for a long time) and should be reported here:
as soon as it will be done, the issue will be related to: