Question / Help Help with blurry video while streaming


New Member
Hi guys,

Im pretty new to this but I have tried multiple forum threads, multiple tutorials, talked with few different ppl and no1 could help me .
Im trying to stream at 720p 60 or 30 fps.
PC specs:
Ryzen 3 1200
RX 560 2GB
8GB ddr4
Internet 50/8.
So far any settings I put in OBS my stream looks blurry, I've tried literally every option that I could find, screenshots uploaded. I have tried rescaling, putting bitrate from 2500 to 6k - nothing literally nothing made a difference, the only thing that made difference if I put Output (Scaled) Resolution to same as Base (Canvas) which is 1920x1080 - and even then the picture was not the greatest, and also I've tried installing different GPU drivers that didn't help either. The game I'm trying to stream is about 10 years old, other streamers that I watch streaming the same game, their stream looks flawless.If anyone has any suggestion please advise.



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New Member
Your CPU (R3 1200) isn't that powerful and you shouldn't expect great stream quality, although with fine tuning and experimenting with the settings it should be possible to get some kind of acceptable quality.

1. Don't rescale / downscale from the "Output" settings. Set the downscaled resolution and filter in the "Video" settings. Uncheck the "Rescale Output" checkboxes under the "Streaming" and "Recording" tabs.
Lanczos downscaling filter isn't always the best imo, it puts adittional load onto the CPU and also tiny, distant details don't look that great. You can try Bicubic, for example.

2. Very few people can stream at 1080p (Full HD) even with dual-PC streaming setup. I would recommend to stay at 1280x720, it is one of the most used resolutions for streaming on YT & Twitch.

3. Your upload speed (8 mbps) should be enough if it's constant. For 720p60 though 2500-3000 kbps bitrate isn't enough (that's around 0.056 bits-per-pixel) so it looks very pixelated and blurry. Setting the bitrate directly to 6000 (the Twitch maximum) may not be the best idea too. (For you and for the viewers)

The other settings are correct (CBR Mode, 2s Keyframe) though you can set the "Profile" to "High" and uncheck "Enforce streaming service encoder settings" (almost everyone suggests to disable the second one).

Try to experiment and find the most suitable CPU Preset for you. Veryfast, Superfast, Ultrafast are usually for really weak CPUs and also the quality isn't great for that resolution and framerate. If that doesn't work, try 30 FPS.

If nothing works reliably, then you can try H264 (Hardware Encoder) such as AMD Advanced Framework (that's most likely wrong, I forgot the full name).

Hope something helps!


New Member
First of all thanks for replying! Here's the log file - nothing literally nothing made difference, my resolution is rescaled in video tab to 1280x720, changing bitrate, or cpu usage from ultra fast to slow - only difference was that my game started dropping frames, but video on stream did not change at all. I've tried with gpu encoder Advanced Media Framework, same result whatever I change nothing makes it look better except for the part where I put my Outscale resolution to 1920x1080 - only then I get more clear picture. Which I dont want to do I want to make it look decent at 1280x720, as I mentioned before a friend of mine is streaming exactly the same game, with worse PC spec than me and has even lower upload and his stream looks better, if you got any other suggestion im open to it. Thanks again :)


New Member
Hmm, that's interesting...
Yeah, when you set the downscaled resolution to the main monitor's resolution (1080p) the picture will be more clear, because there's no rescaling. But that requires insane amount of resources (and very powerful CPU), otherwise it will be pixelated, the video will stutter and the games will drop framerate significantly.

I genuinely don't know what else can be causing blurry and low-quality picture, even at high bitrate and slower CPU preset (fast / medium and below).
I'll research maybe a bit more about that and will try to provide adittional tips and suggestions, if available.


New Member
Thanks, okay now I tried to mess around with every setting nothing helped, uninstalled OBS several times etc, idk really what to do more :D just increasing the CPU Usage and Bitrate I should've gotten a better image but literally nothing changes. If you figure something out lemme know, and thanks again! :)


Active Member
Out of curiosity, what's the game?

Try turning on Simple mode and do a recording in Indistinguishable quality-- does that look good to you?


New Member
It's WoW 2.4.3 The Burning Crusade, when I recorded it looked the same, today I checked with one friend he said it looks fine to him that its just on my screen, so idk anymore :D When i recorded it looked blurry same as stream