help to fix bad 1080p60 Quality


New Member
I just posted a video which is in 1080p but it doesn't look very good any reasons why? am i doing something wrong? the pictures means my recording quality and a picture of the quality in my video.


  • Screenshot 2021-01-19 190813.png
    Screenshot 2021-01-19 190813.png
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  • Screenshot 2021-01-19 191028.png
    Screenshot 2021-01-19 191028.png
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you have understand how that works with resolution and bitrate?
the resolution have nothing todo with the quality.
the bitrate gives the space for quality so more bitrate more quality same bitrate less resolution more quality
1080P with 2500 can't be quality in any universe


New Member
Oh, I didn't know that because I'm just starting out on Youtube. anyways, do you have any recommendations for how much bitrate I should use for an 1080p60 recording?


for a record default you not choose CBR you use CRF
lower value more quality (more bits/second) higher value less quality with less bitrate
default its 23 (good value)