Question / Help Help me with my mic? Also HDPVR2 question.


New Member
Help me with my mic? ( it literally picks up everything )
having problems with my mic, because it literally picks up everything, for no reason.
specially the keyboard and the sound of my chair.
is there any good settings to reduce noise?

What is the best way to stream with the hdpvr2+ obs? any tutorials?

Stream Configuration Quality: Acceptable
Max keyframe interval is currently at 2.372 seconds. Please set it to 2 seconds.

is there anyway to set it to 2 seconds? or it's just twitch bugging out?
also is there anyway to stream 1080p? instead of 720p? (LOG)


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Not sure about the mic, but I would recommend using CFR in advanced to fix the keyframe interval


Community Helper
ohnasti said:
What is the best way to stream with the hdpvr2+ obs? any tutorials?
Right now, the only way to stream the HD-PVR 2 is to Window capture the output of the Hauppauge program. Support for the HD-PVR 2 is being worked on, but it might be a while before it arrives.


New Member
dodgepong said:
ohnasti said:
What is the best way to stream with the hdpvr2+ obs? any tutorials?
Right now, the only way to stream the HD-PVR 2 is to Window capture the output of the Hauppauge program. Support for the HD-PVR 2 is being worked on, but it might be a while before it arrives.
i tried doing that, and than picking a region?
but it does't let me move the size more than that. or is there a better way to do it without sub-region on window capture?

EDIT: i Fixed it, i was supposed to pick "capturemodule"
Question tough, is there a way to make it so that it only captures that window alone, and even if i were to say open up chrome or other program it does't capture them, and just captures the gameplay alone or the window?


Community Helper
That's why I said Aero has to be Enabled. You currently have Aero disabled. Don't disable Aero, and then Window capture will behave like I said.

Having said that, I'm not 100% vertain you will be able to capture the HD-PVR 2 output window with Aero enabled, but you should definitely try.


New Member
dodgepong said:
That's why I said Aero has to be Enabled. You currently have Aero disabled. Don't disable Aero, and then Window capture will behave like I said.

Having said that, I'm not 100% vertain you will be able to capture the HD-PVR 2 output window with Aero enabled, but you should definitely try.
Still not working, every time i open a chrome it starts capturing chrome and stops capruting my hdpvr2
is it because i am using 32 bit version in 64 bit computer? (if you want me to uninstall and install, than i can do that, but i just wanna know if it can possibly be that)

also is not only that window, is all of them if i were to assign it to skype. it will also do the same.


Community Helper
Aero is still not enabled in that screenshot. Your Windows theme must be "Windows Basic" which does not use Aero. You'll know you are using Aero when your title bars are shiny and translucent, and not opaque.


New Member
dodgepong said:
Aero is still not enabled in that screenshot. Your Windows theme must be "Windows Basic" which does not use Aero. You'll know you are using Aero when your title bars are shiny and translucent, and not opaque.
Set it to windows basic, and it is still not capturing only THAT window.

is there any reason as to why?


New Member
dodgepong said:
No, you don't want Windows Basic. I was just stating that if it wasn't working right, then that's what you must have set your theme to.

Look at the way the windows look in this image: ... aFedia.png

That is what it looks like when Aero is enabled.
i don't have aero.
OBS still will not "ONLY" capture that window.

see what i mean? ( is like having a monitor capture with a sub-region)
should i re-install obs?

Just in case you want the window capture settings:


Community Helper
I understand what you mean. The problem that you are having is not what is confusing to me. What is confusing to me is how you aren't able to enable Aero. The only thing I can think of is that you might have Windows 7 Starter edition. Can you hit Win + R and type "winver" into the box and hit enter and tell me what it says?

If you right-click on your desktop and go to personalize, do you see anything like this in the themes window?


New Member
dodgepong said:
I understand what you mean. The problem that you are having is not what is confusing to me. What is confusing to me is how you aren't able to enable Aero. The only thing I can think of is that you might have Windows 7 Starter edition. Can you hit Win + R and type "winver" into the box and hit enter and tell me what it says?

If you right-click on your desktop and go to personalize, do you see anything like this in the themes window?
thank you it worked!
it was working, but now it does't work? screen stays black?


Community Helper
That's what I was afraid of...I wasn't sure that it would work with Aero enabled, and it seems that it doesn't. You're going to have to live with Aero disabled, and overlayed windowed getting captured. Real support for the HD-PVR 2 is coming, but it will still be a while.


New Member
dodgepong said:
That's what I was afraid of...I wasn't sure that it would work with Aero enabled, and it seems that it doesn't. You're going to have to live with Aero disabled, and overlayed windowed getting captured. Real support for the HD-PVR 2 is coming, but it will still be a while.
so the reason is not the program or the computer?
its just obs still not been able to manage hd pvr 2?

EDIT: i also started using kmplayer to try and test out the window mode, and it also happens to be having the same defects.


Community Helper
Yes, OBS doesn't support adding the HD-PVR 2 as a video capture device, which is why you have to capture it with window capture.


New Member
dodgepong said:
Yes, OBS doesn't support adding the HD-PVR 2 as a video capture device, which is why you have to capture it with window capture.
but i am capturing it with window capture, and it just gets a black screen when i go on aero, and is normal when i don't use aero, but the program won't show that only window i select, its basically acts like monitor mode with a sub region.


Community Helper
The only way you can capture an HD-PVR 2 with OBS is by capturing it with Window capture or Monitor capture with Aero disabled.

I don't know how I can make that any more clear.


New Member
dodgepong said:
The only way you can capture an HD-PVR 2 with OBS is by capturing it with Window capture or Monitor capture with Aero disabled.

I don't know how I can make that any more clear.
yes i know that, but if i select windowed only mode, should't it be only capturing that window.
if i were to open up chrome or other programs meanwhile livestream they would not appear on it.