Question / Help Has anyone had any luck recording netflix win store app


to create a private backups for your collection?

All I get is black screen and audio.

I tried window capture, display capture, Nothing helps.

I tried switching to built-in intel GPU(I've got amd fury) but it didn't help either.



By "monitor capture" do you mean "display capture"? I can't find "monitor capture" in OBS studio.

I tried "display capture". It didn't work.


Display capture works. It will show you your monitor with whatever is running on that monitor.
This is what we use to stream UWP DX12 games from the windows store, it will work with every other windows app too.


Maybe it is somehow DRM protected or something. coz I'm telling you display capture shows only black screen+subtitles+audio and that's it when I try to capture netflix via netflix winstore app or IE\Edge(they are the only ones that allow 1080p streaming, chrome\firefox streams at 720p max).
If you have netflix you can test it yourself


Active Member
I'd expect it would be, given that making local recordings of Netflix content for 'personal use' definitely falls into the 'piracy' category.


It has nothing to do with piracy. Everyone has a right to a backup copy no matter what anti-consumer "law", pushed by greedy corporations that would happily force us to pay for air we breath, says.

Some are eagerly embracing the Brave New World ridden with DMCA , DRM and other anti-consumer nonsense but thankfully there are still brave people (among them are developers too, like CD Projekt) ) who are resisting corporations grip on our rights and freedoms

PS Anyways, that's what developers of bandicam wrote in response to my email:

We could recreate the black screen issue you reported.

Unfortunately, we don't have a good solution for this issue since Microsoft Windows is blocking the screen capture function.

Typical M$.
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Active Member
Its true that its legal to use a VCR-like device to record over the air and cable programming for personal use. Not sure that's the same for a streaming on-demand service. Our personal opinions on whether it should be considered piracy or not has nothing to do with it.