Bug Report Guild Wars 2 launched through Steam captures overlay


New Member
Do you by chance use a Razer mouse or product? If you do... I'll assume you're using their razer synapse program. In which case it doesn't matter what settings you choose in OBS. It will capture it regardless.

These steps worked for me.

1. Close Razer synapse.
2. Launch obs in admin mode.
3. Set your game capture to, specific window. Window priority, match title, otherwise find window of same executable.
4. Check use anti-cheat compatibility hook.
5. Uncheck capture third-party overlays.
6. Launch the game and enjoy.

P.S. These steps worked for me. You can skip step 2. I tested it out after writing this but it doesn't hurt to try.
EDIT: If you don't use Razer, try closing your third-party software used by your hardware and see if those are the culprit. Let us know what you find.
