See that big warning about NOT recording to MP4... don't ignore that. Auto-remux to MP4 after recording if need be (my ~1h15min / 11GB Recordings take about 15 seconds to remux once done Recording (on a SATA SSD, would be faster on NVMe)
CBR is used for streaming due to streaming provider requirements. IT is usually NOT best for Recording @FerretBomb comment #2
2) Record using CQP or CRF, not CBR. CBR is only used for streaming, where the back-end infrastructure requires it. CQP/CRF are quality-target based encodes, and will use as much or as little bitrate as is needed to maintain a constant image quality. No wasting bitrate on simple/slow scenes, no choking on fast-moving or complex scenes. 22 is a good starting point. 16 will result in much larger files, but near-perfect video. 12 should only be used if you plan to edit and re-encode later, and will be VERY large. Anything lower than 12 shouldn't be used unless you know exactly why you need it, and what problems it can cause.