Sorry, it's League. I also already run every game in borderless fullscreen anyway, so that isn't the issue here.Without naming the game we can only look into our crystal balls, which are kinda unreliable.
But general rule of thumb: run the game in borderless fullscreen to fix any alt-tab issues.
Well my FPS in game is perfect. Doesn't move at all. It's just the stream that freezes. Is it still my CPU?720p60 is far beyond what your CPU will handle. Enable vsync in your game to limit the frame rate and either use NVENC to handle encoding or if you insist on using x264, downscale the stream to something like 360p or 480p at 30 FPS. For x264 you may also need to change the preset to superfast.
Ok cool thanks dude I'll try it out11:13:18: Total frames encoded: 5019, total frames duplicated: 3386 (67.46%)
11:13:18: Number of frames skipped due to encoder lag: 3285 (65.45%)
Your computer is dumping 2/3rds of the content you're trying to stream because it can't keep up.