Bug Report Game capture hook crashing games after latest Win10 update (3140743)

So, any idea when this is going to be patched? Anyone downloading is going to think it's broken if they don't come to the forums..



New Member
Ok, so it appears I had deleted the wrong folder.
The Program Files one instead of the appdata one.
I have put the Program Files folder back, and deleted the appdata one.
The labels in the game capture screen are normal again, but it doesn't capture my game. Just a black screen in OBS even though I see the game perfectly on my screen...


New Member
Any idea when a fix will come? Deleting the folder doesn't work for me, and I haven't been able to use OBS for over a week now.

EDIT: didn't notice the post above asking the same thing.


New Member

This folder? Everytime I delete it, it comes back with the same .ini files when I start OBS up.


New Member
Still seem to have that problem with OBS 0.13.3. Portal Knights, specifically, is the game I'm trying that crashes using game capture. My workaround right now is to use display capture for that game. I may try the file delete method, as I prefer the game capture, though.

Edit: Well, the display cap method didn't prove very viable. Chalk it up as a learning experience.
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Forum Admin
This was fixed a long time ago, if you're having trouble it likely isn't related to this file.


Active Member
This thread is over a year old. You should be posting your own NEW thread on your actual issue.