Bug Report Game Capture 0.622b crashes game


New Member

after recent update Game Capture crashes game when started or started-stopped preview or streaming and clicking back to game.
Window Capture works fine.

Windows 7 64bit
Checked OBS 64 and 32 bit with same result
said game is in 64bit


New Member
Entropia Universe (at Planet Calypso but don't think it have any impact) - Real Cash Economy MMORPG

Not very known game so maybe will help that it is based on CryEngine2

I played a bit with it today, tried preview/stop and it worked few times. Then game crashed again and upon restart Game Capture was not working (solid black, like with no source). After restarting OBS and game and making new sources it worked few times again and then again crashed.
Note that yesterday it was crashing more often, so not really sure if this is not something related to my computer.
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