Free browser source Countdown / Count Up Timer for OBS Studio

Free browser source Countdown / Count Up Timer for OBS Studio v0.0.3


MMLTech updated Free browser source Countdown / Count Up Timer for OBS Studio with a new update entry:

Embed URL changed

EMBED URL has been changed, request parameter and the whole structure was changed that means most of the countdowns will redirect to a 404 page to those who configured their countdown, the old structure is still available by changing the c? to custom-countdown? in the URL

A better UI is also available @

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MMLTech updated Free browser source Countdown / Count Up Timer for OBS Studio with a new update entry:

New option, count up from a certain date/time

You can now count up from a date, ensuring your count-up timer does not break when you accidentally close the source or encounter a connection issue during your livestream. To enable this option, please leave the hours/minutes/seconds fields empty (0), otherwise, you can simply set the starting point for your timer using those specific fields.

View attachment 103642

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MMLTech updated Free browser source Countdown / Count Up Timer for OBS Studio with a new update entry:

Massive update

  • Overhauled the engine for enhanced performance and functionality.
  • Implemented a feature that allows the minutes counter to exceed 60 when the hours are turned off, and the seconds counter to exceed 60 when the minutes counter is hidden.
  • Removed unnecessary and redundant styling options to streamline the design.
  • Enhanced the font selector for improved usability and flexibility.

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MMLTech updated Free browser source Countdown / Count Up Timer for OBS Studio with a new update entry:

Massive update + Randomizer

- Fixed digit dividers display issues.
- Fixed the counter behavior when hiding hours, minutes will no longer exceed 60.
- Fixed the counter behavior when hiding minutes, seconds will no longer exceed 60.
- Added Title Text and Ending Title Text options.
- Added digit animations and improved their appearance from the previous countdown version.
- Added a background opacity selector.
- Introduced a new feature that lets you generate a randomizer key, which is linked to your email. Once...

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