Free browser source Countdown / Count Up Timer for OBS Studio

Free Free browser source Countdown / Count Up Timer for OBS Studio v0.0.3

- Fixed digit dividers display issues.
- Fixed the counter behavior when hiding hours, minutes will no longer exceed 60.
- Fixed the counter behavior when hiding minutes, seconds will no longer exceed 60.
- Added Title Text and Ending Title Text options.
- Added digit animations and improved their appearance from the previous countdown version.
- Added a background opacity selector.
- Introduced a new feature that lets you generate a randomizer key, which is linked to your email. Once generated, you can manage it through the website and use it across multiple countdown timers. This feature is exclusive to countdown timers and allows you to create either a dynamic list for your audience to join or a static list by loading names from a TXT file.
  • Overhauled the engine for enhanced performance and functionality.
  • Implemented a feature that allows the minutes counter to exceed 60 when the hours are turned off, and the seconds counter to exceed 60 when the minutes counter is hidden.
  • Removed unnecessary and redundant styling options to streamline the design.
  • Enhanced the font selector for improved usability and flexibility.
Account activation issue has been fixed please if you have not received the email to activate your account you can request here thrrough PM just tell me the email used for registration or join the discord channel and ask me there
- Fixed an issue with the timer resetting after 24 hours !
Fixed Hanukkah countdown dates
Some users reported timezone selector being empty sometimes, the issue has been fixed and should not cause issues anymore
Updated the overall performance by reducing the script size
The service is back up except the weather forecast plugin. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.
You can now count up from a date, ensuring your count-up timer does not break when you accidentally close the source or encounter a connection issue during your livestream. To enable this option, please leave the hours/minutes/seconds fields empty (0), otherwise, you can simply set the starting point for your timer using those specific fields.


Removed the over excessive auto ads generated by google