Smoshi said:I have no idea what I'm paying for. I've had to get new lines when I moved in here because the internet kept cutting out. I can handle 2000 bitrate, but anything higher than that and I get frame drops and very blurry in-game.
I don't know why I can't stream at 2000 bitrate and a 1.5x downscale. I get massive frame drops at those settings and my fps is only set to 25.
It's not like AoE 2 is a cpu intensive game. What gives?
The most likely cause is that you have an Intel i3 3220 @ 3.3GHz (according to your original post) which is a dual core CPU. When you use down-scaling in OBS, it uses your CPU to re-size the video output. Doing this likely creates a significant load on a dual core CPU such as yours. It may be better to just turn down-scaling off and leave it at the original resolution.