Bug Report FPS immediately drops


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There is also a bug on some multi video card machines where you need to disable preview to prevent this sort of system lag. Not sure if that will fix it for you, or how often that happens though, I've only had it happen to one other person I know of so far


sckfrts. try this for me plz. Set your 'Output Resolution' to 1280x720. Leave your Base Resolution at 1920x1080. Leave it set to 30fps but try setting your preset to veryfast.

Your processor is an i7 965 which is actually around 4 years old. It's an okay processor but I really don't think it can take the settings that you set for it and thats why its dropping frames. :(


EDIT: LOL I only read the first page. my bad. but yea it looked like a CPU issue to me personally.


New Member
well you are correct in your assumption about the cpu. I spent some time today watching my cpu activity closely and it seems that obs spikes to 85%+ usage for a second or two then returns to ~ 60% for a few seconds. This process repeats over and over until I de-focus from the window (or run it in bordered window mode) in which case it drops down to a pretty steady 35%

I've run x-split before and I never seemed to have any problems so just out of curiosity I ran it again today with the exact same settings (or the closest I could configure) and watched the CPU usage closely. the video encoding process (don't remember the name) was only ever using ~30% of my CPU at any given time.

from everything I've heard obs is generally a less demanding streaming program, so unless I'm mistaken, something isn't working right somewhere.

on a semi related note I tried setting the CPU affinity for OBS to all but the first thread, this seemed to improve the fps a bit (went from 15ish to 20 with spikes of 30) not sure if this means anything but its still pretty low.

pps. I tried disabling the preview and the problem persisted.


New Member
Sorry for gravedigging a bit, but I managed to work around the issue in Guild Wars 2 by limiting the games fps to 30, I could try running some sort of frame limiter with the other games I've had issues with if anyone is interested.