Question / Help FLV file missing after Stopping Recording glitch


New Member

You probably hear this a lot here on the forum, but I couldn't find a solution to my particular problem anywhere else.

I'm using OBS Studio for a while now and always used FLV files, since everyone said it wouldn't dissapear after a failure. Well, today happened the infamous "Stopping Recording" glitch. After a while seeing it wouldn't stop, I close the program, but I can't find the file anywhere. it's not on the destiny file, videos, anywhere! I looked everyhere how to recover a missing FLV file from OBS, but all I could find was "use FLV the convert it to MP4 later", but I can't convert it if I don't know where it is! it's not corrupted, it's not incomplete, it's... not there!

I'm sending the log here, as requested by the professionals. Please tell me my 2 hour video didn't dissapear forever!


Forum Admin
Unfortunately it looks like the encoder never started:

01:17:32.973: [NVENC encoder: 'simple_h264_recording'] nvenc_encode: Error encoding: Argumento inválido