Flipping Cam


I know theres an option to flip the cam source horizontally, but can we also get an option to flip vertically? And the way im facing with the cam, i need to be able to mirror the image so im looking the other way on stream. Thanks


Town drunk
Can you not do this on the cam itself? Most of them should have that option somewhere in the software/drivers.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
I don't mind adding it if you really want it, wouldn't be a problem, though I primarily only added flip in case some device output their bitmaps inverted


New Member
I need this as well, because I have resorted to using my Canon Kiss X5 DSLR for webcaming. I would like this feature because in particular games it is more economical to have ones facial video in particular corners in the screen, and for those of us who have our cameras at an angle off to the side of us while we perform gameplay.

Now, if we often switch between games it would not be very much ease of use if we have to change to camera angle physically every time we change streaming set ups. For ONE, it would look awkward if I appeared looking in the opposite angle of the gameplay. SECONDLY, I'm kind of amazed that other softwares don't entirely support such a function, and I know you know it would not be hard to implement such a feature.

I think this feature is actually needed more than typical users make mention of especially for the nature of most streamers are gamers, but even if the streamer was not of gaming this feature seems like it should be considered as a necessary one.
I NEED it, and I'm sure others do to, they have just been "Making due" without it.


Forum Admin
This is an extremely old thread. The ability to flip a webcam image vertically has been in the program for a long time now.



New Member
Hi, i know this is an old thread but i'm having same issues with a logitech camera, those options that are already in OBS aren't helping because the image is still upside down, a 90o turn to any side would fix it...guess i'll have to look for some other solution. :(